March 15, 2024
At Pason, we take pride in our annual United Way fundraising campaign. Every November, our Calgary Head Office organizes events, activities, and more, all benefitting the United Way of Calgary and Area. Pason has been involved with the United Way since the 1990s

We’re happy to announce that we were recognized for Workplace Excellence at the United Way of Calgary and Area’s 2023 Community Impact Awards.
According to the United Way, this award celebrates noteworthy workplace campaigns that demonstrate industry excellence. The winning organizations will have exhibited strong management support, a significant increase in Leadership giving and total donations, a surge in employee involvement and has taken a fresh and innovative approach to their United Way campaigns.
“It is an honour for Pason to be recognized with a Workplace Excellence Award,” said Jon Faber, President and CEO. "Each year, the United Way campaign brings positive energy to our office environment, as we bring people together in a series of unique events that allow people to showcase their creativity and interests, while making an impact on our broader community."
Over the years, we have tried to find creative ways to hold this annual fundraiser. This past year, in particular, we once again hosted a silent auction through our internal fundraising app, where Pasonites can bid on items up for auction, fill out our pledge forms, enter fundraising draws and more.
But that’s not where our efforts stopped! Our mini-golf course is a Pason-favourite activity that we hold every year. Employees tapped into their creative sides and constructed unique golf holes with themes such as Alice in Wonderland, The Mandalorian, storybooks, a pool hall, and AWS DeepRacer. Pasonites then paid to play mini-golf around the office.
This fundraiser brings our teams together while raising money for a good cause. United Way is a unique part of our culture, so we have devised some unique ways to fundraise, including our annual Hobby Horse Races! Employees went head-to-head and galloped on toy horses through the office in hopes of being the fastest! Meanwhile, other employees wagered on who they think will win, with all proceeds going to the fundraiser!
In November, we welcomed United Way of Calgary and Area into our South Calgary office to give them a peek at what we’re all about! We were then featured in a small blog post and video showcasing our efforts!
United Way of Calgary and Area hosted an awards ceremony on March 14, 2024, celebrating the donors and corporate partners who come together to strengthen the community and ensure individuals and families have access to vital support when they need it most.
Thank you to our Pasonites who participate in this fundraiser year after year and to United Way of Calgary and Area for the recognition! We’re already looking forward to our next campaign in November!
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